Conducting Water Softener Maintenance

Conducting Water Softener Maintenance

Conducting water softener maintenance is very important in order to maintain the good condition and performance of the equipment. This is because water softeners may be good equipments, but they are not immune to damage that could occur if they are not maintained well. There are three water softener maintenance steps to conduct if you want to make sure your water softener will always remain as good as new.Contact us @

Checking. This is a basic maintenance step. You won’t be able to find out what’s wrong if you don’t check the water softener from time to time. This step refers to checking the salt levels, the brine tank, checking for salt deposits that may have formed, as well as checking the resin tank. Conducting regular checkups on your water softener can save you a lot of money you are likely to throw away for repairs.

Cleaning. It is not enough to simply check your water softener. You also need to clean it. Cleaning is a good maintenance step because it allows you to get rid of dirt build-up that could cause severe malfunctions to the equipment. Even if there is no dirt observed, it is still good to conduct regular clean-ups for your water softener to prevent further problems.

Replacing. Water softeners consist of different parts and these parts can be worn out in time, especially the filter. When the filter is already saturated with contaminants that have been filtered from the water, it may lose its effectiveness. With this, you must be aware when the filter and other parts need to be replaced in order for the water softener keep functioning well and maintain its efficiency.

Applying these three water softener maintenance tips is not only helpful in maintaining the water softener but it is also helpful for your finances.

Some Common Water Softener Problems to be Aware of

Even if a water softener system is popularly known as the most effective solution towards treating hard water, problems could still occur. This would make you wonder what could be causing these problems and whether these problems can still be solved. Here are some of the most common water softener problems you must be aware of.

Mechanical Problems. You must remember that a water softener system is also a machine. Therefore, it could also be prone to some mechanical problems such as motor problems, etc. These problems may be caused by lack of maintenance. If you have mechanical knowledge, you may be able to solve this problem but most of the time; it requires the expertise of mechanics. You can only prevent such problems by always checking on the system.

Health Problems. This problem is the biggest problem mostly encountered with the water softener system. The main cause of these health problems is the presence of sodium in the water. Sodium is a good solution to treat hard water but it can cause heath problems especially for those who have high blood pressure. These problems can be solved by opting for salt-free water sifter systems if you are on a low sodium diet.

Efficiency Problems. Some people encounter problems with regards to the efficiency of the system because of t

he presence of iron in the water as well as the feeling that you are still getting hard water instead of soft. In the case of iron presence, this is caused by a non-functional filter that needs to be replaced. Water softener systems need additional filters because iron naturally cannot be removed by softening alone. For the feeling of inefficiency when it comes to treating hard water, your brine solution may not be concentrated enough to match the hardness of the water. This can be solved by making sure you put the right amount of salt for the right amount of water in the brine tank.
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